Schedule overview

The schedule information on this page is subject to change.

All meetings are in B127 Kerckhoff.

  • Lab: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 am–noon Pacific time

  • TA office hours

    • Wednesdays 5-7:30 pm with Arkadev

    • Fridays 10-11:30 am with Anne

Tuesday and Thursday lab meetings are required, unless arrangements have been made in advance with the instructor.

Due dates

The due dates below may change. They will not be moved to an earlier date, but may be moved later. All times are Pacific.

Weekly activities

In each lab session, which are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30-noon, you will be working on your exercises or projects. Dates with special activities are shown below with schedule changes possible and possibly more to be announced as the term progresses.

  • Tu 09/27: Welcome, safety, introduction to Arduino

  • Th 09/29: A tour through available components and Arduino Uno

  • Tu 10/11: Lecture on design approaches

  • Th 10/13: Lecture on 3D printing by Anne Kil

  • Tu 10/18: Training on 3D printing with Techlab (half the students)

  • Th 10/20: Training on 3D printing with Techlab (half the students)

  • Tu 10/25: Lecture on devices for democratization of science by Anne Kil

  • Th 11/24: Thanksgiving Day: no class

  • Th 12/08: Tear down and clean up