

We meet regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30-noon in 108 Keck. The meetings are mandatory (see "Grading," below). The meetings will involve some lecture material, but will consist mostly of LabVIEW programming and work on your projects.

You may work in the lab outside of lab hours to use LabVIEW or to work on your projects. However, for safety reasons, you must be in the lab space with at least one of your groupmates; you may not ever be in the lab space alone.


We will have five homework assignments done at the beginning of the term. They are designed to get you up to speed using LabVIEW in order to complete your design projects.

Design projects

You will complete two major design projects in the course. You will construct a pulse oximeter (and a simple pulse monitor en route to your final design) and a thermocycler for PRC reactions. These projects are done in teams of two or three. You will submit a total of two prelabs and four lab reports.


30% of your grade is determined from homework and 70% of your grade is determined from your prelabs and lab reports. Attendance is required, and you will lose 1% of the total points awarded in the course for each unexcused absence.

Course communications

You are free to contact the course staff at any time, but we encourage you to use the class Piazza page for questions course topics and homework. Most of our mass communication with you will be through Piazza, so be sure to set your Piazza account to give you email alerts if necessary.